Fan Created in Xara X Tutorial

Fan 1 thru 6.jpg

1. Create a rectangle 21 x 165 pixels, convert to editable shapes.

Give it a bitmap fill.  

2. Select the rectangle double click so the rotation handles appear.
Push on the vertical arrow to skew the rectangle.

3. Use the Shape Editor Tool and delete the lower left point.

4. Clone the shape, and flip horizontally.    Skew jpg
Hint, when flipping if you set the original
position to the  right side 1st it will align flush with the original

5. Clone one of the shapes, fill with white and give it a 40 % flat
transparency. Select all pieces and group.

6.  Set the original position of the group to the bottom middle. Enable snap to
objects Clone and rotate. Repeat this step 12 more times.   Rotate.jpg